Local History Starts with You

HistoryForge combines historic maps and photos with census records of the people who lived in Auburn, NY, creating a unique way to visualize the history of this community in the early 1900s.


Learn more about the people who lived in Auburn, NY, from information recorded in the U.S. Census. We are creating a database of people that can be searched from the website or exported for further research in other programs.

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Learn about the places they lived and worked. We have created a database of Auburn, NY, buildings using the information from historic maps (Sanborn fire insurance maps and others) as well as archival information.

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National Archives - National Historical Publications and Records - National Endowment for the Humanities

Thank You!

Auburn HistoryForge is an online interactive database that maps information from the censuses of Auburn, NY onto historical map layers. Residents and historians can use this powerful search engine to explore the buildings, neighborhoods, individuals and families of early 20th century Auburn.

Are you interested in using HistoryForge for your town or city? We would like to help you. Please contact us at historyforge at thehistorycenter dot net.